
Make your own natural balanced fresh pet food at home with my course : "Chinese food therapy for pets"

This 6-week step by step course is tailored made to help pet owners to create a nutritionally balanced species specific fresh wholesome diet for their pet using the principles of Chinese Medicine and it’s use of food energetics to create homeostasis in the body. 
Using ingredients and it’s energetic and healing powers to recover health status in our pets from releasing skin allergies to diabetes, osteoarthritis, gastrointestinal issues and even cancer.

Following the Chinese beliefs and principles, food has the power to heal or to create disease depending on the inner properties these foods have.

Foods have energy that can either warm or cool the body which in turn help to restore inner balance when given for the right condition and amount.

Also the cooking method or the raw ingredient will create a change within the body.

Chinese food therapy thus provides a very important and necessary support in any disease condition for a prompt recovery.

In many occasions, diseases that require treatment and proper food is not added, the disease will not fully recover as food is the main foundation of health.

Highly processed commercial pet foods have been the corner stone of pet nutrition for over a century.

Pet owners and veterinarians were not given other information regarding these foods and thought they were the best nutrition for their pets and patients.

Since then, many studies and research has been conducted to find that these highly processed foods are very detrimental for our pets, being the cause of at least  80% of the chronic diseases we see in our pets today.

The high temperatures  these foods go thru denaturalise the important nutrients found in them like vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats, etc.

They have a long shelve life thanks to the many additives added to these foods which in many occasions are dangerous and can cause even death.

To make these foods more “attractive” for the owners (not the pets) they include colour dies to make them look healthier like green colors or red, simulating vegetables.

These dies are known to be carcinogenic for our pets.

The ingredients within these foods are of questionable quality and in many occasions come from diseased animals or as waste products of the human food industry or labelled as “not fit for human consumption”.

The increase of animals with skin conditions like allergies, digestive problems , chronic degenerative illness like obesity, diabetes , osteoarthritis or even cancer has multiplied for the last 50 years.

To improve our pets general health and properly heal from disease it is imperative to assess their feeding regime and given foods and make healthier and more natural changes into their diet in order to fully recover and maintain balance.

A diet composed of fresh wholesome ingredients consistent mainly on protein and healthy fats as well as some vegetables and fruits (dogs) together with spices and herbs to promote health.

Depending on your pets constitution following the five element theory, ingredients are added to their diet to promote health.

Foods can be cooling , warming or neutral and can help prevent, reduce or even eliminate excess weight, inflammation, toxins, infections and even cancer.

Book a call for your pet's food therapy assessment today

Hi, I'm Eleonore, how can I help you?