Is defined as an approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of health.

When we combine traditional or conventional medicine with holistic medicine, we create an “integrative” approach, using the best results from both medicines.

Holistic medicine utilizes natural treatments such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathy, and food therapy.

✅ Herbs are selected for their healing properties.

✅ Acupuncture stimulates the body’s energy flow.

✅ Homeopathy addresses imbalances on a subtle level.

✅ Food therapy tailors nutrition to support specific health needs.

These natural modalities work together to enhance the body’s innate healing abilities.

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It’s an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment.

It involves the public health, veterinary, public health and environmental sectors.

The One Health approach is particularly relevant for food and water safety, nutrition, the control of zoonoses as well as pollution management, and combatting antimicrobial resistance (the emergence of microbes that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).



As veterinarians, we are responsible for the wellbeing of animals by providing health care that prevents, reduces and even eliminates disease.


By doing so, we also provide a safe environment for humans that are in close contact with animals reducing the risk of zoonotic diseases.


Traditional veterinary medicine, the same as human medicine, has been overusing drugs to “hide” symptoms for a disease without really curing it but rather leaving it dormant as well  as using poor quality overly processed foods that are seriously affecting the health of our pets and farmed animals worldwide.


Alternative veterinary medicine provides a different approach, using the bodies natural ability to heal itself reducing or even eliminating traditional drugs  to reduce negative health effects such as antibiotic resistance using instead more natural healing treatments such as herbs, supplements and proper nutrition using a species appropriate diet.



✅ By reducing the use of drugs such as antibiotics we reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.

✅ By using more natural and environmentally friendly treatments we reduce unwanted chemical waste and pollution.

✅ By using natural unprocessed foods we provide food safety and reduce the negative health effects on our pets.


In this FREE Masterclass: “Pet health DIY”, you will discover many of the secrets vets don’t tell you.
From why vaccinating every year is detrimental for your pet’s health and what you can do instead, to neutering issues, to the negative side effects of giving so many medications, how to avoid unnecessary visits to the vet and avoid painful surgeries by using alternative natural treatments and learn how highly processed foods are actually killing your pet and how to prevent this from happening!
In this very interesting 90 minute  lecture, I am opening up the real truth regarding your pets health and how you can save money and time by reducing your vet visits and have more control over your pets health !
Click the link on you right and let’s dive in right away!!


Diagnosing an imbalance or disease from a holistic and Chinese medicine perspective focuses on all aspects of the pet’s wellbeing.


Viewing the pet as a whole:

✅ Observing behaviour and full body

✅ Observing the tongue (tongue diagnosis)

✅ Palpating the entire body for any changes including local different temperature areas.

✅ Pulse examination 

✅ Living environment (home, garden space)

✅ Habits (feeding and walking times, owner’s lifestyle)

✅ Full health history 


Veterinary Acupuncture:


Uses specific points  on the surface of the body by inserting fine needles that stimulate the central nervous system which releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.


Veterinary Chinese herbal medicine:


Herbs are prescribed to restore inner energy (known as “Qi”) balance to the opposing forces of energy – Yin (cold) and Yang (warm)  that run through invisible channels (meridians) in the body.

Different herbal formulations are used to restore homeostasis within the body.


Veterinary Chinese food therapy:


Based on that food is the foundation of health. It combines fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs, and spices that specific characteristics and energetics that work on the body to restore balance. Eating the right types of combinations and amounts can create  harmony in the body. In Chinese medicine, this balance and equilibrium is very important to avoid and heal diseases.


Veterinary homeopathy:


Consist of substances that have been diluted many times in water until there is none or almost none of the original substance left.

Founded by the  principle that “like cures like”, meaning that a substance that causes certain symptoms can also help to remove those symptoms and restore health by the body’s own healing capabilities.



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