If you are here I’m sure it’s because you’re tired of how the veterinary industry is becoming more precarious, not only vets are overworked and extremely unhappy (I was one of them) but also the system on how to “cure” animals is far from perfect.

Overuse of antibiotics and other drugs including unnecessary vaccines and surgeries together with unhealthy processed commercial foods are making our pets sicker and dying at young ages from preventable diseases and suffering.


We are seeing more and more how our pets are getting sicker even at a young age, from allergies and other skin problems to arthritis and even cancers.

As like humans, pets are inheriting the same lifestyle habits such as eating junk foods (processed  commercial pet foods), sedentarism, stress and anxiety, etc.

All this leads to poor health with problems like obesity, food sensitivities and indigestion, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, joint problems and even cancer.

Traditional vet medicine, the same as with humans does NOT cure disease, in fact,  many drugs and their side effects are known to cause many more negative outcomes than good ones.

You most likely have been to the vet with your pet with an allergic problem and until today, your pet is still having to take pills to stop the scratching and antibiotics to fight the infection and an anti fungal to stop the yeast infection and then they have given you a “prescribed diet” that “aids” with allergies…

Yet, you don’t see results, or maybe you do, IF YOU GIVE THE TABLETS.

As soon as you stop the medication, the itching/infection comes back, right?

So, that’s not curing a disease, you know it, I know it.


What you want is :

✅ NOT  having to give constant medication to your pet


✅ NOT having to go to the vet every two to three weeks for a problem that is not getting solved.


✅ NOT having to pay loads of money for the same problem each visit


Pets provide companionship, happiness, love, attention and releases us from stress…but for that, they need to be feeling good and healthy.

Our pets deserve the same, love, respect, wellbeing, love, companionship, etc.

Alternative treatments that require NO drugs or at least not the overuse of them and a good and balanced nutritional plan following the welfare standards and 5 principles (Freedoms) is the best and only way to go and that I work.

If you don’t think an animal deserves this treatment, then you should consider another vet to help you, as I will not be able to.

I do this job because I absolutely adore animals, and they will be given the respect and wellbeing they deserve, this is non negociable.


Within my treatments you will get:


✅ A general wellness examination with tongue diagnosis and full previous health history, this includes your lifestyle and happiness as well

✅ Serology testing to evaluate the antibodies for certain vaccines

✅ Homeopathic treatments if needed

✅ Acupuncture sessions

✅ TUI-NA massage, based on traditional Chinese medicine to restore blood flow, provide warmth and lymph fluid movement to the body

✅ Individualised nutritional assessment and plan, based on Chinese nutrition principles of the 5 element theory

✅ Natural supplements and natural herbs (Chinese and traditional) 

✅ Telemedicine (online veterinary advice)

An integrative/holistic  treatment is based on the examination on the entire body as a whole.

A symptom in one area is related to the rest of the body as everything in the body is connected.

If your dog is limping, at a tradicional vet practice, you will get a pain relief medication, to “mask” the pain.

Which is NOT really solving the problem.

Limping is a symptom, we need to dig deep into the  source of the problem and help the body to heal from the original problem.

Acupuncture helps to bring the blood back to those areas where the pain has started and will help heal the original issue causing this limp.

A holistic view and treatment of a patient requires TEAM WORK, from the owner and me, the practitioner.

I commit to provide the treatment and guidance for good health, health prevention and natural sources to help the body heal


The owner commits to follow the guidance given 


A pet is a living being, that feels emotions such as pain, anger, frustration, sadness, joy and peace.

It is YOUR responsibility as a pet owner to follow the 5 principles (freedoms) of WELFARE from which we stand for in our integrative practice and required by law:


✅ Freedom from thirst and hunger


✅ Freedom from discomfort providing adequate shelter


✅ Freedom from disease, pain and injury


✅ Freedom from distress and fear


✅ Freedom to engage in natural behaviours



If you do NOT follow these principles you are not a suitable client in our practice and shall not be provided with our  help.

As we only work under the 5 FREEDOMS of ANIMAL WELFARE

Our patients are the most important thing to us as well as our committed and caring clients, who will receive our full undivided attention during the consultation


Dr.Eleonore C.Op de Beeck


Licensed since 2002 from Universities in Belgium and Spain, involved for many years in conservation efforts both for rescued land animals and marine animals.
Owned her own practice in 2006 until 2011 and decided to leave the traditional way of practising as she was very unfulfilled with the results and feeling she wasn’t helping animals to get better.
Moved to London and later to The Netherlands where she partnered with a holistic veterinarian to learn traditional Chinese medicine.
With her concern on the state of the food system and how animals were getting sicker she did a Masters degree in food safety to help animals prevent diseases by adopting a healthier, fresh and organic diet and reducing the consumption of commercial pet foods.
Travelling and getting  involved in conservation projects around the globe helping animals in need, providing altruistic help  and creating awareness regarding the need for animal welfare and protection of wildlife and the environment.
She also promotes the need to eat a more plant based diet to reduce the impact of global warming and animal suffering.


  • DVM Doctor in Veterinary medicine 

  • MCs Food Safety (pet food specialist)

  • Cert. Chinese nutrition

  • Cert.Chinese Acupuncture

  • Cert.Chinese herbal medicine

  • Cert.Holistic nutrition

  • Cert.Tui-Na massage

She speaks 6 languages, so communicating and informing you about what your pet is dealing with shall be no problem!


  • Consultation time: 45min to 90 minutes depending on individual needs in a calm and relaxing environment free from stress and discomfort
  • Consultation includes:
           1.Full history of animal (including full record of diets, diseases, vaccinations and medications given).
This includes the environment the animal lives in and the owners emotional status and habits
           2. Full examination (5 element theory), tongue diagnosis, traditional medicine ailment assessment
          3. Serology  antibody testing for some vaccines
          4. Acupuncture session
          5. Tui-Na massage
          6. Nutritional assessment and individualised nutritional plan 
         7. Suplemments and/or Chinese herbs when needed
         9. Pet insurance if needed (required by law)
  • Consultation fee: 90€-180€ depending on treatments, applied and consultation time
  • ONLINE consultation also available   (45min to 60min duration for 70€  pre-paid fee providing advice on full pet clinical history after assessment and review of blood work and other diagnostic procedures made/nutritional assessment and individualised nutrition plan)

Book a FREE call by clicking the link below to assess your animal needs and to see if we are the right fit !

Hi, I'm Eleonore, how can I help you?