Pets health
Eleonore Op de Beeck

Dry dog food:1no. killer

You might think that the title of this blog sounds dramatic but unfortunately, if you have a pet and you are feeding it dry kibble,

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Pets health
Eleonore Op de Beeck

Can my pet become vegan?

During my veterinary career I have seen many pets struggling with their diet, and what most vets and pet owners don’t really think about is

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Vegan recipes
Eleonore Op de Beeck

“Tuna” salad two ways

I don’t know in your country but in Spain, fresh tuna and in particular, canned tuna is extremely popular and consumed regularly. Before becoming vegan,

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Vegan info
Eleonore Op de Beeck

Why Veganism is not a trend

People are more aware of the importance of taking care of their health and the pants health and therefore are gravitating towards a more planet friendly diet like the vegetarian and vegan diet. By doing so, not only are they increasing their likelihood of living longer but also aids the protection of animals and the planet in general.It is therefore not a trend but an essential need for the survival of life on earth.

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